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Beating the Diet Blues with Hypnosis


When people go on a weight loss diet, they often report depression. When the body has less food and you are busy, depression is often experienced. Besides taking vitamins that can be suggested by your doctor, keeping a happier attitude to promote weight loss can be achieved with hypnosis cds.


When discouraging thoughts enter your mind, it often seems that they bring thousands like them along for the ride. One thought brings thousands and soon you feel discouraged and depressed. Also, feeling hungry is a depressing experience in itself. These discouraging thoughts often lead to cheating. This cheating often involves comfort foods.


How do hypnosis cds help? First, the hypnosis cd gives you rational thoughts which supplant the irrational depression-promoting thoughts. These rational thoughts begin to take up residence in your mind. Your ability to tolerate hunger and healthy diets-related frustrations is increased. You begin to feel that you can handle frustration. You also understand that frustration is part of life. The frustration looked upon as being insignificant rather than horrible and awful.


Visualizations also help. You visualize the support from encouraging people. You see weight loss as health-promoting. The new habits are seen in a new way that makes you feel good while working on your weight loss goals.


For example, I had a female client who had a hard time in weight loss system. Her friends and family were big eaters and her culture encouraged eating, but not being fat. She felt that this was difficult since she could not eat all day and lose weight. The members of her family told her that she was fat and she often got depressed when faced with the impossible task of eating and losing weight at the same time.


She learned to eat healthy foods in her hypnosis and to eat slower. This gave her stomach the message that she had enough food. She also drank lots of water and got plenty of exercise. Friends and family members complemented her on her weight loss. She reported that her hypnosis cd was responsible for these changes. She also reported that her attitude was one of gratitude. She felt happy and exercise seemed to lift her mood. The rational thinking helped as well.


She also reported that it was easier for her to go to the fitness. She felt more motivated and reported better sleep. Working with her doctor and using her hypnotherapy cd seemed to help keep her going. She also reported that she had more energy and felt no desire to cheat. She felt that she had walked away from unhealthy choices. She was moving toward health and happiness.


She radiated happiness. Her friends and family members complemented her. She began to see them as a support and felt good about meeting other people in her social group. She decorated her home more brightly. She found that bright colors lifted her mood.


When you are considering weight loss, try hypnosis. It boosts your metabolism and brightens your mood. You see that you are a success. Even if you have tried many weight loss strategies, you can succeed. You have already learned quite a lot that will promote your success. You have learned what will not work. Remember that once you can imagine your success and let that image incubate in your mind, you will see the new;

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